Thursday, 13 March 2008

Squash & Stretch and Walk Cycles

The Squash and Stretch technique is to help make a piece seem more natural, more life-like. The technique basically applys simple physics to the animation piece, it gives it volume and dimensions to a flat piece of work. Taking the classic example of a bouncing ball if we never applied the squash & stretch motion to the bounce of the ball then the movement would seem rigid and unnatural. However when we stretch the ball as it lands, squash it while it hits ground and stretch it as it takes off again then we can clearly see a more natural, fluid movement of the ball.

Walk cycles need to be done right so to create a decent animation piece. Observe someone how they walk, they don't stay rigid, heads staying in the same place. As a person walks the entire body is moving; arms swing back and forth, the legs(obviously) moving and the torso and head are constantly slinking up and down. If all these matters are addressed then there is no doubt your walk cycle should look realistic. The image to the left shows a basic but accurate take on the walk cycle. Below is a first attempt of walk cycles i tried about a year back. I looks ok, the body seems to be like jelly but atleadt there isn't the idea that he is simply gliding across the screen.

2D v 3D Animation

Looking at the two style of animations it is hard for me to choose what i prefer. I got into animation through 3D work i did on a Computer Game Development course i took a few years back. I never enjoyed computer programming but creating such 3D animated pieces (including a moving Bender character from Futurama) in XSI modelling package really opened my eyes to what i wanted to do. Since then i have really only dabbled in 3D work in both the Lightwave & Maya packages. All these are similar packages to the one i was used to they still took a bit of time to get used to due to the subtle differences in short cuts and so on. From what i did i was happy with the packages and llog forward to pick them up again next year.

2D animation on the other hand is all i have really developed my skills in in the last year and a half. Using programmes such as Toon Boom Studio & Macromedia Flash i really have began to get a taste for it. Especially in Toon Boom which i use regulary even if it is just to quickly plan out a short animation. Even though my drawing skills are average at best i have still managed to create some decent work with the packages. It is easy to use and gives a whole range of options for you to do.

In terms of looks all my favourite animations are really 2D for the likes of Futurama, Family Guy and The Simpsons. That really shows 2D animation at the top scale along with the likes on anime. As for 3D i am constantly amazed how Pixar somehow continue to better themselves with each film. In terms of plot Toy Story is still my favourite Pixar piece but in terms of look Ratatouille really has raised the bar, well until their next venture, Wall E, hits cinema.

I still appreciate both forms of animation, 2D really has grips on the TV world due to its easier production cost and shorter timescales. 3D is firmly the norm for an animated film nowadays. The real front runner is obviously Pixar but others are trying and in the likes of Ice Age they have succeeded. For me i would prefer to work in probably 3D work. It offers so much more in terms of results and was the original inspiration for me to take this course. I really just like the way on how i can go off and keep tweaking at a model design until i am completly happy with it from all angles.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Toon Boom Studio 4

To help us get to grips with the new version of toonboom we were giving a simple exercise where we had to animate atulip moving then include it in a scene with a bug and so on. I created the tulip but never got past that stage as i felt comfortable with the programme anyway. At first i was not happy with the layout of the new version, i seemed to try and cram everything you needed onto the one page. I still find it a bother have to shrink things so i can get a bigger working area or so i can access a menu but after recently going back to use the old toonboom i am happy with these changes. In the previous version i kept losing certain menu so i was constantly have to set everything back to there original positions to simply change a colour. Toon Boom Version 4 wuill take some getting used to but i feel i will benifit greatly with it. Anyway here's the tulip.

Title Animation

This piece was only going to be a poster idea for my piece till my firend suggested i should maybe switch the letters back and forth to create an animation of them moving. I liked the idea and took it beyond just moving the letters by introducing 2 killing sequences. I wanted it to look as though this is the sketch pad of the killer and every little bit is his sick, twisted ideas of murder. I've been told these are very dark and twisted but there only stickmen!

The Descent into Madness

As i was drawing the character on toonboom i had an idea of a short animation i could do using the head of my main character. The piece is just to show how my character has dropped into madness and i drew similarities between classic Hitchcock films and the old Batman series.

School Emblem

Just another quick sketch done on toonboom. This was an alternative title for the piece and was an idea for a title poster also.

Character Developments

These are two quick sketches of the main character in toonboom.
Main Character
Name- Clarence Mann
Occupation- History Teacher at Rosebourg Academy
Age- 42
Appearance- At school he is a very professionally dressed individual. His hair combed neatly into a side shed and is always seen dressed in well worn but respectable suits. His face shows it age with wrinkles and bags under the eyes. His eyes are hidden behind squared rimmed spec but show no emotion at all. Medium height and slim built. His insane alter ego dresses similar, only wearing a blue technical overall to protect his suit from the blood. After a struggle with his victim his hair is usually left in a mess. He is also usually covered from head to toe in blood after such acts.
Rules- He cannot kill any children, despite his resentment towards them. There is no rational explanation to why he is doing this, he is just a psychopath. He has an unstable mental status. He believes himself to be a criminal genius and that he cannot be caught. He becomes irrationally violent when his world collapses around him. Sweats badly under pressure.
Minor Characters
First Victim
Name- Jeremy Katz
Appearance- Scruffy. Living on the street has left him in stained rags. He has grown a grubby beard and his hair is greasy and wild. He has a few scars and nicks on his face. Is tall and skinny character.
Rules- Does not question Clarence's motives for taking him in. Is desperate for warm food and shelter.
Name-Kris Peterson
Occupation- Headmaster at Rosebourg Academy.
Age- 56
Appearance- Balding man with a large, round face. Is a short portly character. Always dresses smartly.
Rules- Is oblivious to the change in Clarence. Is the person who finally points Clarence out to the police.
Police Officer 1
Name- Joe Fitzgerald
Occupation- Sergeant in the police force.
Age- 39
Appearance- Tall, well built character. Buzz cut hair cut. Dressed in the full police uniform complete with truncheon, pepper spray, hand-cuffs and gun.
Rules- Is the one who eventually "takes Clarence down". He will get shot. He will survive.
Police Officer 2
Name- Mike martin
Occupation- Trainee officer in the police force
Age- 21
Appearance- Medium height with a little bit of mussel on him. Medium length mop hair style. Dressed in the same style as Joe minus the gun.
Rules- Does not carry a gun. Panics when everything kicks off. Tends to his wounded partner.