Thursday, 6 March 2008

More Ideas

With last weeks note we were given a number of different scenarios that we could have developed into full stories. Looking at these scenarios i began thinking of ways on how to further develop them into full stories.

Scenario 1- The main points of this story was it was to begin with research and end in a revelation. It is to be a dark thriller and should include a intimidating military leader & emplacement soldier.

Idea 1- In a Nevada desert secret Base a military leader pushes his team of scientists to create a biological virus that could easily wipe out any enemy that stands in his way. A mercenary who has been fired from the company vows revenge by stealing and unleashing the virus on the Vegas strip. Upon completion of the virus the mercenary takes his attack and breaks in and steals all remnants of the virus. It is now a race against time for the military leader now to hunt down and regain control of the virus before the scorned mercenary unleashes its abilities on Vegas. As the story builds the question asked to the viewer is who really is the bad guy, the military leader for creating this virus or the mercenary who who plans to realise this virus closer to home.

Idea 2- As the computer age grows the next step to conquer is the robotics field. A major breakthrough has been made in the robotics world and the first robotic killing machine is about to be unleashed. The problem is that the machine has fallen into the hands of a deranged scientists who holds a grudge against the world for having his work shunned for years. Using the machine he has managed to infiltrate some of the most secure facilities; Fort Knox, The National Reserve & Top Secret Military Silo's. Now with access to a reserve of nuclear warheads the only people who can stop him is the original military scientist who helped design the robot and a scorned mercenary who has a great deal of mistrust with robots and machinery in general.

Scenario 2- The main theme is an epic slice-of-life. The story is to contain a withdrawn secret agent & an overworked martial artist. A dream must play a major part in this.

Idea 1- After returning from his latest mission secret agent Kit Parker has really lost everything he holds dear, his wife. He soon begins holing himself up in his house, shunning the entire world around him. To make matters worse is that a deadly female assassin Alexa Banks ,who specialises in martial arts, has been sent after him to finish of the job that took his wife. Upon coming face to face with the shell of the man she plans to kill she breaks down. Her work has consumed her life and upon looking at a man who was once like her she realises how empty her life is. The two find comfort in each other and soon find love together. Kit feels happier than he ever has been but soon wakes to find his wife in bed next to him. His life with Alexa was all a dream but he doesn't know now if he is truly happy with his wife.

Scenario 3- The main them of this scenario is a tragic conspiracy. There has to be an element of betrayal in in the story and it revolves around an unethical rat-catcher.

Idea 1- Rufus Gribble is a simple rat catcher who really has nothing in his life apart from his job and his small cottage. He catches rats in the most humane method so not to harm the rodents, despite the protest of his clients who want these filthy beasts killed. The truth is because Rufus enjoys keeping these rats as company. He treats all these rodents well and has gathered a large amount. One day when returning from another job with yet another rat he finds that the rats have escaped. He begins to panic as a rat drops onto his face and begins gnawing at his eyes. Rufus stumbles back, tripping over a table and banging his head in the process of falling. In his unconscious state the rats emerge from every dark corner of the room and begin to feast on the body of Rufus. Rufus wakes to find himself a mere mockery of the man he was as the rats have ate a great deal of his face. Despite how well he treated the he cannot believe the betrayal of the rats.

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