Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Toon Boom Studio 4

To help us get to grips with the new version of toonboom we were giving a simple exercise where we had to animate atulip moving then include it in a scene with a bug and so on. I created the tulip but never got past that stage as i felt comfortable with the programme anyway. At first i was not happy with the layout of the new version, i seemed to try and cram everything you needed onto the one page. I still find it a bother have to shrink things so i can get a bigger working area or so i can access a menu but after recently going back to use the old toonboom i am happy with these changes. In the previous version i kept losing certain menu so i was constantly have to set everything back to there original positions to simply change a colour. Toon Boom Version 4 wuill take some getting used to but i feel i will benifit greatly with it. Anyway here's the tulip.

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